Friday, April 30, 2010

..Petua untuk ibu-ibu yang 'berbayi' kecil...hehe


 Kebanyakan bayi biasa mengalami melecet di

 celah kelangkang, pelipat kaki atau bahagian tubuh

 lain. Hal ini mungkin diakibatkan oleh pemakaian

 lampin pakai buang yang tidak sesuai dengan kulit

 bayi. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, anda bolehlah

 mencuba petua ini.

 Apabila dia mengalami kemerah-merahan di

 bahagian-bahagian tertentu, apa yang perlu anda

 lakukan ialah menyapu sedikit tepung sagu di

 tempat yang bermasalah. Anggaplan seperti anda

 menyapu bedak pada kulit bayi.
Oleh, Norasyrin Ali, Kuala Langat Selangor


Tidak perlu berbelanja besar, hanya cuba petua ini.

 Dua biji lobak merah dan sebiji timun diparut dan

 diperah airnya. Campurkan dengan sebiji limau

 nipis dan bancuh sehingga sebati. Minum dua kali

 sehari. Amalkan sehingga mencapai berat badan

 yang ideal.

...kalau tak kurus pun hmmm cuma tak lah gemuk lagi kot...

Thursday, April 29, 2010


The origami tulip is a favourite model as it is relatively simple and looks so sweet when bunched together with other tulips, or different types of flowers.

Use lovely colourful paper for this one, it will brighten your day!

Diagram Instructions

1. Start with your paper coloured side up. Fold in half, then in half again, as shown. Crease well, then open out again.

2. Turn the paper over and fold in half diagonally and in both directions. Crease well and open out once again.


3. Holding the points shown, bring them both down to the centre point on the bottom line. Flatten model. This is called a waterbomb base.

4. Fold bottom corners of front flaps up to the top corner. Repeat this on the back as well.

 5. Turn the front flap to the left, like turning the pages in a book.

    Do the same to the other side of the model.

6. Move the upper flaps toward each other, and tuck one into the other, as far as it goes.

 7. When you flatten this, make sure the distances A & B shown are equal.

8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 on back of model, to get this.

 9. Blow into base of tulip to inflate and shape the flower.

 10. Peel each petal down, slowly and carefully. Your tulip is now finished.

You can pair it with the flower stem as pictured.  Have fun...

--making paper star

1. Start with a strip of paper. Tie a “knot” in the end of your paper.

2. Pull gently to tighten, then flatten.

3. Fold the end of the strip down and tuck it into the knot.

You can cut a bit of it off if it's too long.

4. Now wrap the other end of the strip around and around this pentagon you have formed, creasing gently as you go.
5. Keep wrapping until you get to the end of the strip.
Tuck the last bit of the strip into the pouch. You should be left with a cute little pentagon.

6. Now to make this little pentagon into a star, very gently and slowly use your fingernail to press on the centre of each of its edges. The star should puff out.
And you should have a lovely little lucky star!

It may take some practise to get the star to puff out perfectly, but stick with it... you’ll get it!

If you are having a lot of trouble, try different papers, or try wrapping the strip of paper around without creasing it too much. This helps a bit!


If you're a beginner, please read some of these origami folding tips: they will make origami easier!

1. Fold each crease very well. Every crease needs to be flattened quite well for a successful model (unless of course the instructions tell you not to crease it well!) You can reinforce a crease by running the side of your thumbnail along the fold, or even use some sort of tool. You can use the end of a plastic ruler, that works well without damaging the paper.

2. Follow the instructions. Every part of the instructions is important, so read each description carefully, and look at each picture closely. If you miss a piece of information, it could make the model more difficult than it has to be!

3. Be patient. If you are just learning how to make origami, you have to realize that it is contemplative and relaxed activity, that is, you can't go rushing through the instructions as fast as you can! It won't take long for you to be very good at origami especially with the diagrams on this site, but when you are just starting give yourself a lot of time to work it out.

4. Have fun!

..jaga rambut

assalamualaikum, marilah sama sama kita mencuba, insyaallah....success

Tips Penjagaan Rambut Cara Tradisional

                                                               kacang hijau

1. Rendamkan kacang hijau semalaman. Tapis dan gunakan airnya bagi disapu atas kulit kepala sambil dipicit perlahan2. Amalkan selalu hingga rambut baru kelihatan tumbuh.

                                                           daun bunga raya

                                                                      lidah buaya

2. Ambil beberapa helai daun bunga raya dan lidah buaya. Basuh hingga bersih dan kisarkan hingga hancur. Perap ramuan di atas kepala selama sejam. Lakukan 2 kali seminggu.

                                                                 telur ayam kampung

3. Ambil daun bunga raya yang bersih, ramas sehingga keluar lendir. Ambil lendirnya dan campurkan dengan sebiji telur ayam kampung beserta satu sudu madu lebah. Gaulkan sekata dan sapukan pada rambut anda. Perap dengan tuala lebih kurang 10 minit dan kemudian cuci dan bilas rambut sehingga kering. Amalkan dua kali seminggu.

selamat mencuba!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

...yang suka kucing..

dear friends, larat ke nak bela. takut belanja makan mengalahkan untuk kita sendiri....
sekadar melihat...kalau ada pun eluk, buat bantal .....

apa kata anda...?? larat nak bela..layanz

..duit, duit, duit....hehe


 hai kekawan, ni jadual pembayaran gaji tahun ni, tak yah lah nak telepun orang bendahari lagi.
kalau dah tahu bila dapat gaji, hmm pandai pandai lah buat budget awal awal lagi
ATAU...awal awal lah cari tempat mana banyak buat 'sale' or mana nak di belanjakan duit tu..kah kah kah..layanz..

alahai income tax..

...macam tiap-tiap tahun.
dia datang lagi la pulok..
bab bab mengisi income tak ni, payah la sikit hehe
nak tentukan apa nak isi dan berapa pulak nak di isi

tahun ni mengisi income tax saya buat macam selalu...
at the very last minute....hehe apa lagi mengelabah lah tu..
isi pulak jam 4.51 pagi, sambil-sambil nak buat kerja sekolah nih
teringat pulak tak isi borang income tax lagi.
pada tahun lepas income tax, saya buat online,
guna e-filling lah, kan semuanya dah senang, everything online
dan seperti biasa, saya tak ingat lah pula password nya.....

almaklumlah, mengisinya pun setahun sekali, macam puasa dan hari raya juga.
lagi bertambah lah kalutnya saya...
beberapa kali mencuba, masih tak ingat juga, peluang 3 kali yang di beri , tammat
apa nak jadi, takkan nak call 'service line' pagi-pagi buto ni..???
hai...tunggu siang lah jawap nya..sabau je le...layanz...

Apa kata wanita…..

saya mencatit luahan seorang sahabat….layanz..

Hmmm..apa dah jadi, memang dah jadi, selalu terjadi dan selamanya terjadi ( ada kemungkinnan lah tu hehe)

Ini lah jadi nya bila sang arjuna tak nak faham-faham.

Kenapa ya, selalu nya lelaki yang bekerja ingin di layan macam lah dia sorang je yang kerja. Balik terus rehat , baca suratkabar dan minta di buatkan air…

Entah lah hai…kesian si isteri , balek je rumah, terus singsing lengan, buat kerja rumah, itu pun lepas buatkan suami air minum petang. Masak makan malam untuk keluarga dan sibuknya sampai lah ke malam. Esuk nak kerja lagi.. ..

Hujung minggu , sama juga, bukan nya dapat rehat. Memang lah rehat dari kerja pejabat , tapi kerja rumah tak da mananya nak rehat , bertambah adalah. Hujung minggu ni lah nak ke pasar, tambah stok barang basah, dan siapkan kerja-kerja mingguan rumah yang tiada kesudahannya. Masa ni juga lah anak-anak nak masakan ‘special’ ibunya. Hai tak rehat-rehat.

Sang suami, buat apa agaknya….?? Apa lagi, dengan hobi masing-masing lah, ada ke nak membantu isteri yang tak cuti-cuti ni..HARAM..

Heran juga kalau di fikirkan, membasuh dan mengilap kereta berjam-jam larat pulak tuh..hmm

Tapi tak semua , ada…suami yang memang sayang isteri dan sentiasa membantu, bukan saja di hari-hari biasa termasuk hujung minggu jua..bertuah isteri.

Sooooo bagi cik abang yang tak sedar sedar, or tak perasan or tak ingat , bantu bantu lah isteri anda nih, jangan lah rajin masa bercinta je…dah kawin pula cuma tanggongjawab isteri je yang bertambah…so apa kata wanita????

p/s: yang berpangkat suami jangan mare ya, ini hanya untuk suami yang tak sedar, tak perasan dan tak ingat je ya…. hehe

Sunday, April 25, 2010

..take a break....

"If you want happiness for an hour -- take a nap.

If you want happiness for a day -- go fishing.

If you want happiness for a month -- get married.

If you want happiness for a year -- inherit a fortune.

If you want happiness for a lifetime -- help someone else.

-- Chinese proverb

What's the use of worrying?It never was worth

while, So pack up your troubles in your old kit-

bag,And smile, smile, smile.

-- George Asaf


What started out as a dream by Dave Longaberger, Founder of The Longaberger Company, has been built Home Office into a giant basket to house the entire corporate offices of the company. Dave believed the idea was one of his best and would draw attention to the company, while simultaneously helping to build our brand. However, when he started spreading the idea of building a Home Officer that was really a basket, he found that most people just thought that Dave was making a joke as Dave was a notorious practical joker. Not only did the bankers, architects and construction companies not to take Dave seriously, neither did many of the employees who worked for The Longaberger Company, but Dave persevered. The dream was achieved on December 17, 1997 when the Home Office that is designed to resemble a basket finally opened for business.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

...just sharing...

The Salty Coffee

He met her on a party, she was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her,while he was so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised, but due to politeness, she promised. They sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything, she felt uncomfortable, she thought, please, let me back home. Suddenly he asked the waiter: would you please give me some salt? I'd like to put it in my coffee.

Everybody stared at him, so strange! His face turned red, but, still, he put the salt in his coffee and drank it. She asked him curiously: why you have this hobby? He replied: when I was a little boy, I was living near the sea, I like playing in the sea, I could felt the taste of the sea, salty and bite, just like the taste of the salty coffee. Now every time I have the salty coffee, I will think of my childhood, think of my hometown, I miss my hometown so much, I miss my parents who still living there. Saying that, tears filled his eyes. She was deeply touched. That's his true feeling, from the bottom of his heart.

"A man who can tell out his homesick, he must be a man loves home, cares about home, has responsibility of home," she thought. Then she also started to talk, talked about her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family. That was a really nice talk, also a beautiful beginning of their story. They continue to date. She found actually he was a man who meets all her demands: he was tolerance, kind hearted, warm, careful...he was such a good guy but she almost missed him! Thanks to his salty coffee!

Then the story was just like every beautiful love story: the princess married to the prince, then they were living the happy life...And, every time she made coffee for him, she put some salt in the coffee, as she knew that's the way he liked.
After 40 years, he passed away, left her a letter which said: "My dearest, please forgive me, forgive my whole life lie. This was the only lie I said to you, the salty coffee. Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous at that time, actually I wanted some sugar, but I said salt. It's hard for me to change so I just go ahead. I never thought that could be the start of our communication! I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything..Now I'm dying, I afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth: I don't like the salty coffee, what a strange bad taste..but I have the salty coffee for my whole life since I knew you, I never feel sorry for anything I do for you. Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life. If I can live for the second time, I still want to know you and have you as my whole life wife, even though I have to drink the salty coffee again." Her tears made the letter totally wet. Someday, someone asked her: What's the taste of salty coffee?
It's sweet. She replied.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Charlie Chaplin's 3 Heart touching Statements

""Nothing is permanent
in this world,
not even our troubles.. !""

""The most wasted
day in life, the day
in which, we
have not

""I like walking
in the rain,
becoz nobody
can see