Monday, January 31, 2011

Genius People in History - Top 10 Genius People


First off, you may be surprised to find that Albert Einstein is not included on this list of genius people. It is difficult to explain exactly what makes a person genius but it is fact that some people are genius by nature. The reason is that I have used a table of IQ estimates for historical geniuses to determine the members and order of this list, and Einstein's IQ (around 160) did not make the grade. Despite that, he is still the first person to pop in to most people's minds when thinking of a genius. Having said that, here is a list of the ten greatest genius people in history.

Genius People

10. Madame De Stael (IQ: 180)

In full - Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, Baronne (baroness) de Staël-Holstein, byname Madame de Staël. Madame de Stael was a French-Swiss woman of letters, political propagandist, and conversationalist, who epitomized the European culture of her time, bridging the history of ideas from Neoclassicism to Romanticism. She also gained fame by maintaining a salon for leading intellectuals. Her writings include novels, plays, moral and political essays, literary criticism, history, autobiographical memoirs, and even a number of poems. Her most important literary contribution was as a theorist of  Romanticism.   Madamede Stael is on an equal level with René Descartes but I chose to include her rather than him in order to put at least one woman on this list.

9. Galileo Galilei (IQ: 185)

Galileo was Italian natural philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials and to the development of the scientific method. His formulation of (circular) inertia, the law of falling bodies, and parabolic trajectories marked the beginning of a fundamental change in the study of motion. His insistence that the book of nature was written in the language of mathematics changed natural philosophy from a verbal, qualitative account to a
mathematical one in which experimentation became a recognized method for discovering the facts of nature.  Finally, his discoveries with the telescope revolutionized astronomy and paved the way for the acceptance of the Copernican heliocentric system, but his advocacy of that system in support of his view that the Bible contained errors, eventually resulted in an Inquisition process against him.

8. Bobby Fischer (IQ: 187)

Bobby is the byname of Robert James Fischer, an American chess master who became the youngest grandmaster in history when he received the title in 1958. His youthful intemperance and brilliant playing drew the attention of the American publicto the game of chess, particularly when he won the world championship in 1972. Fischer learned the moves of chess at age 6 and at 16 dropped out of high school to devote himself fullyto the game. In 1958 he won the first of many American championships. In world championship candidate matches during 1970-71, Fischer won 20 consecutive games before losing once and
drawing three times to former world champion Tigran Petrosyan of the Soviet Union in a final match won by Fischer. In 1972 Fischer became the first native-born American to hold the title of world champion when he defeated Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union in a highly publicized match held in Reykjavík, Iceland. In doing so, Fischer won the $156,000 victor's share of the $250,000 purse.

7. Ludwig Wittgenstein (IQ: 190)

In full - Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein was an Austrian-born English philosopher, regarded by many as the greatest philosopher of the 20th century. Wittgenstein's two major works, Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung (1921; Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1922) and Philosophische Untersuchungen (published posthumously in 1953; Philosophical Investigations), have inspired a vast secondary literature and have done much to shape subsequent developments in philosophy, especially within the analytic tradition. His
charismatic personality has, in addition, exerted a powerful fascination upon artists, playwrights, poets, novelists, musicians, and even filmmakers, so that his fame has spread far beyond the confines of academic life.

6. Blaise Pascal (IQ: 195)

Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, religious philosopher, and master of prose. He laid the foundation for the modern theory of probabilities, formulated what came to be known as Pascal's law of pressure, and propagated a religious doctrine that taught the experience of God through the heart rather than through reason. The establishment of his principle of intuitionism had an impact on such later philosophers as Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Henri Bergson and also on the Existentialists.

5. John Stuart Mill (IQ: 200)

John Stuart Mill was an English philosopher, economist, and exponent of Utilitarianism. He was prominent as a publicist in the reforming age of the 19th century, and remains of lasting interest as a logician and an ethical theorist. Mill was a man of extreme simplicity in his mode of life. The influence that his works exercised upon contemporary English thought can scarcely be overestimated, nor can there be any doubt about the value of the liberal and inquiring spirit with which he handled the great questions of his time. Beyond that, however,
there has been considerable difference of opinion about the enduring merits of his philosophy.

4. Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (IQ: 205)

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (also Leibnitz or von Leibniz (July 1 (June 21 Old Style) 1646 - November 14, 1716) was a German philosopher of Sorbian origin who wrote primarily in Latin and French. Educated in law and philosophy, and serving as factotum to two major German noble houses (one becoming the British royal family while he served it), Leibniz played a major role inthe European politics and diplomacy of his day. He occupies an equally large place in both the history of philosophy and the history of mathematics. He discovered calculus independently of Newton, and his notation is the one in general use since. He also
discovered the binary system, foundation of virtually all modern computer architectures. In philosophy, he is most remembered for optimism, i.e., his conclusion that our universe is, in a restricted sense, the best possible one God could have made.

3. Emanuel Swedenborg (IQ: 205)

Emanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist, Christian mystic, philosopher, and theologian who wrote voluminously in interpreting the Scriptures as the immediate word of God. Soon after his death, devoted followers created Swedenborgian societies dedicated to the study of his thought. These societies formed the nucleus of the Church of the New Jerusalem, or New Church, also called the Swedenborgians.

2. Leonardo Da Vinci (IQ: 205)

Leonardo Da Vinci, Italian painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect, and engineer whose genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. His Last Supper (1495-98) and  Mona Lisa (c. 1503-06) are among the most widely popular and influential paintings of the Renaissance. His notebooks reveal a spirit of scientific inquiry and a mechanical inventiveness that were centuries ahead of their time. The unique fame that Leonardo enjoyed in his lifetime and that, filtered by historical criticism, has remained undimmedto the present day rests largely on his unlimited desire for knowledge, which guided all his thinking and behaviour.

1. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (IQ: 210)

Goethe, German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, critic, and amateur artist, is considered the greatest German literary figure of the modern era. Goethe is the only German literary figure whose range and international standing equal those of Germany's supreme philosophers (who have often drawn on his works and ideas) and composers (who have often set his works to music). In the literary culture of the German-speaking countries, he has had so dominant a position that, since the end of the 18th century, his writings have been described as "classical". In a European perspective he appears as the central and unsurpassed representative of the Romantic movement, broadly understood.

The World’s Top 8 Smartest People

These smartest people were picked based on their IQ (Intelligence quotient) test. IQ, is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests designed to assess intelligence. The purpose of the test is measure the mental ability and horse power of the brain for any person. I have noticed that many of these people are Chess players and champions. I don’t know if there is any link between intelligence and chess, but this is my observations. Many of my resources confirmed the name and the IQ score for each of the people on the list. There were couple of other names with high IQ score but I couldn’t really confirm that 100%. Note: All these people are still alive as of 2010.
IQ scores reflect general capacity for performing intellectual tasks, such as solving verbal and mathematical problems.

The average IQ score is 100. The standard deviation of IQ scores is 15. So, this means:

50% of people have IQ scores between 90 and 110

2.5% of people are very superior in intelligence (over 130)

2.5% of people are mentally deficient / impaired / retarded (under 70)

0.5% of people are near genius or genius (over 140)

Genius IQ is generally considered to begin around 140 to 145, representing ~.25% of the population (1 in 400). Here’s a rough guide:

115-124 – Above average (e.g., university students)

125-134 – Gifted (e.g., post-graduate students)

135-144 – Highly gifted (e.g., intellectuals)

145-154 – Genius (e.g., professors)

155-164 – Genius (e.g., Nobel Prize winners)

165-179 – High genius

180-200 – Highest genius

>200 – “Unmeasurable genius”

                                                          1. Kim Ung-Yong – IQ = 210

Yong is a Korean child prodigy. He showed his intelligent ability since he was little. He started speaking at 6 months, he was able to read Japanese, Korean, German, English and many other language by his third birthday. At age 3, he was able to solve complicated calculus equations easily with no problems. He got his Ph.D. in physics at Colorado State University when he was 16 years old. Kim has the highest score in the planet, he was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records under “Highest IQ”; the book estimated the boy’s score at over 210.

2.Christopher Michael Langan – IQ = 195

“The Smartest Man In America“, thats what the media called him when he scored 195 on the IQ test. Langan was born in San Francisco and spent most of his early life in Montana. He began talking at six months, taught himself to read before he was four, and was repeatedly skipped ahead in school. During high school he started teaching him self, advanced physics, math, philosophy, Greek and Latin. Then he went to college but dropped out because he thought he could teach the professor more than they could teach him. for over 20 years he worked several jobs, he worked as construction worker, cowboy, forest service firefighter, and farmhand. In 2004, Langan moved with his wife Gina (née LoSasso), a clinical neuropsychologist, to northern Missouri, where he owns and operates a horse ranch. On January 25, 2008, Langan was a contestant on NBC’s 1 vs. 100, where he won $250,000

3.Philip Emeagwali – IQ = 190

Emeagwali was born in Akure, Nigeria on 23 August 1954. He dropped out of school in 1967 because of the Nigerian-Biafran war. He became an engineer and computer scientist/geologist who was one of two winners of the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize, a prize from the IEEE, for his use of a Connection Machine supercomputer to help analyze petroleum fields. in 1991, He was studying for his PhD degree, but his thesis was rejected by committee of internal and external examiners and thus he was not awarded the degree.

4. Garry Kasparov – IQ = 190

Garry Kasparov is the World Chess Champion. He was born on April 13 1963 in Russia. Kasparov became the youngest ever undisputed World Chess Champion in 1985 at the age of 22. He held the official FIDE world title until 1993, when a dispute with FIDE led him to set up a rival organization, the Professional Chess Association. He continued to hold the “Classical” World Chess Championship until his defeat by Vladimir Kramnik in 2000. Kasparov announced on March 10, 2005, that he would retire from serious competitive chess. He cited as the reason a lack of personal goals in the chess world. Garry wasn’t only an excellent chess player, he wrote several books related to chess.


 5. Marilyn Vos Savant – IQ = 186

Born in St.Louis Missouri on August 11, 1946, she is an American magazine columnist, author, lecturer, and playwright who rose to fame through her listing in the Guinness Book of World Records under “Highest IQ”. Since 1986 she has written Ask Marilyn, a Sunday column in Parade magazine in which she solves puzzles and answers questions from readers on a variety of subjects. Vos Savant studied philosophy at the Washington University in St. Louis despite her parents’ desire for a more useful subject. After two years, she dropped out to help with a family investment business, seeking financial freedom to pursue a career in writing. You can visit her official website here.
  6. John H. Sununu – IQ = 180

Born on July 2, 1939 in Havana, Cuba. He was the former Governor of New Hampshire (1983–89) and former White House Chief of Staff under President George H. W. Bush. His father’s family came to the United States from the Middle East at the beginning of the twentieth century. Most of the last two generations of Sununus were also born in the United States. Most of his closest relatives in Beirut have died, including a relative who returned to the Lebanese capital from the United States several years ago.

7. Stephen Hawking – IQ = 160

Stephen is a British theoretical physicist, whose world-renowned scientific career spans over 40 years. His books and public appearances have made him an academic celebrity and he is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Hawking’s key scientific works to date have included providing, with Roger Penrose, theorems regarding singularities in the framework of general relativity, and the theoretical prediction that black holes should emit radiation, which is today known as Hawking radiation (or sometimes as Bekenstein-Hawking radiation). Hawking has a neuro-muscular dystrophy that is related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a condition that has progressed over the years and has left him almost completely paralyzed

 8.William James Sidis – IQ = 250

April 1, 1898 – July 17, 1944. Was an American child prodigy with exceptional mathematical and linguistic abilities. He became famous first for his precocity, and later for his eccentricity and withdrawal from the public eye. He avoided mathematics entirely in later life, writing on other subjects under a number of pseudonyms. With an estimated ratio IQ of over 250, he is often cited as one of the most intelligent people who ever lived. Although the University had previously refused to let his father enroll him at age nine because he was still a child, Sidis set a record in 1909 by becoming the youngest person to enroll at Harvard College. He was 11 years old, and entered Harvard as part of a program to enroll gifted students earl

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Brain scan can tell if a smoker will quit

US researchers have found a way to predict how successful a smoker will be at quitting by using an MRI scan to look for activity in a region of the brain associated with behavior change.

The scans were performed on 28 heavy smokers who had joined an anti-smoking program, according to the study published Monday in the peer-reviewed journal Health Psychology.

Participants were asked to watch a series of commercials about quitting smoking while a magnetic resonance imaging machine scanned their brains for activity.

After each ad, subjects in the study "rated how it affected their intention to quit, whether it increased their confidence about quitting, and how much they related to the message," researchers explained.

Those who showed activity in the medial prefrontal cortex during the ads were "significantly linked to reductions in smoking behavior" in the month that followed, regardless of how the people said they were affected by the ad.

"What is exciting is that by knowing what is going on in someone's brain during the ads, we can do twice as well at predicting their future behavior, compared to if we only knew their self-reported estimate of how successful they would be or their intention to quit," said lead author Emily Falk.

"It seems that our brain activity may provide information that introspection does not," added Falk, director of the Communication Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Michigan.

She said researchers would next try to determine which kind of messages were most effective by matching brain activity to the ads.

The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation, and took place at University of California, Los Angeles

Best and worst of the SAG Awards

Betty White was thrilled to win, Hugh Laurie seemed like he'd rather be in his 'House'

Well, unlike charitable telethons or testimony before a Senate subcommittee, the Screen Actors Guild Awards are supposed to be all about the actors, whether we're talking Colin Firth or Jon Hamm or Natalie Portman or Tina Fey or that salty old broad, Betty White.

Story: It's good to be the 'King' at SAG Awards

So what were the night's highpoints, lowlights and moments of absolutely headscratching bewilderment?

Most Surprising: It was wonderful how shocked Betty White seemed to be that she'd won, which was topped only by how much all of those in attendance seemed to be pleased as well. Justin Timberlake directed her to the stage, Jon Hamm trotted down to help her to the stage and Ernest Borgnine gave her a smooch (despite getting a lifetime achievement award when she's still a hot property at nearly the same age).

Least in Awe: We've been Hugh Laurie fans all the way back when he still British cutting up with Stephen Fry, but his facial expressions during the show, which seemed to suggest a feeling that he'd have preferred to be at home doing something else, just made us like him all the more.

Most Self-Conscious Pitches: Stars like Mark Ruffalo and Annette Bening and Colin Firth and his Kings Speech costars were trotted out to celebrate some very special films...starring them. That's weird even for actors, right?

Best Marital Shout-Out: Julianna Margulies thanked her in-laws for their wonderful son, her husband. We have to give props to the broadcast's director for immediately cutting to noted spouse-forgetter Hilary Swank for her reaction. (She seemed to approve, as well.)

Hottest Presenters: Taye Diggs and Sofia Vergara presented the dramatic ensemble award, which went to Boardwalk Empire.

Sexiest Cut-In: As Steve Buscemi bumbled his way through the speech for Boardwalk Empire, his costar Paz De La Huerta leaned over and purred something...that looked like it sounded important but looked even better.

Least Difficult Request: The words "Please welcome, Jon Hamm."

Best Surprise of the Night: During the acting kudos for Ernest Borgnine, it was noted that the legendary actor has "personally visited every veteran's hospital in America." He's had an amazing career, but that's an achievement that reflects on the quality of his character, which is something far more important. Way to go, Ernie.

Most Commercial: Noted pitchman Dennis Haysbert introduced a montage celebrating actors who do commercials. Now that's a switch.

Least Surprising: The expected people won for the most part, which shouldn't take away a thing from the proceedings, but it's unfortunate that the SAG awards couldn't mix it up a bit more to spread the wealth to folks like Jeremy Renner, Mila Kunis, Jennifer Lawrence and Hailee Steinfeld. That said, the people who won did great work.

Best Beard: If acting is at its heart all about facial hair, then the fulsome facial fuzz of Donald Sutherland deserved a very special award itself. Of course, if it isn't all about the hair, then perhaps its time to get that thing trimmed.

World’s most expensive car wash

A car enthusiast is offering the world’s most expensive car wash service – charging up to £7,200 per vehicle.

Gurcharn Sahota, 30, takes up to 250 hours to clean each vehicle with an array of 100 cleaning fluids and wax that costs £8,200 per tub.
His premier wash includes polishing and buffing every inch of the car inside and out five times.
He even uses a computerised microscope – normally used by forensic scientists – to examine the bodywork for the minutest scratch not even visible to the naked eye.
Mr Sahota, who drives a clapped-out VW Golf himself, started the business five years ago by washing his neighbour’s cars with a bucket and sponge.
But he has since cleaned hundreds of supercars and now boasts a string of celebrity clients.
He said: ”When I was younger I washed neighbours’ cars and my dad’s car whenever I could.
”They never paid me, I loved it so much I did it for free.
”Things have built up from there and now I’m cleaning some of the fastest, most powerful sports cars in the world.
”People come to me and they want the best treatment going for their car.
”If you’ve got a £500,000 car then a few grand for cleaning is worth it.
”Sometimes I’ll work through the night to get a car looking absolutely pristine.
”They’re world class motors that deserve a world class wash.”
Mr Sahota, who lives with his parents in Derbyshire, has converted their double garage into a hi-tech workshop.
He built a Formula 1-style pit for scrubbing the underneath of cars and layered the entire workshop floor and walls with specialist tiles imported from Italy which help reflect flecks of dirt on the cars.
He begins every clean in the same way – washing it with a lambwool mitten and soapy water.
He said: ”I treat every car like an individual project, I want them to leave my workshop looking better than they have ever done.
”I have my processes which I go through and I am meticulous about each one.
”If you’re paying £150,000 for a car then you’re going to want it to be perfect.
”The first time I cleaned a Ferrari Enzo it took a week and when I tried to sleep all I could see was Ferrari red.
”The car has to be free from all contaminants like dust and dirt before you start otherwise it’s going to get scratched.
”I just want perfection. Finishing is the best part because you know what it was like when you started. That gives me great satisfaction.”
After spending hundreds of hours cleaning by hand he uses a £5,000 computerised microscope which examines the car for blotches and scratches.
A buffer is linked to a highly sensitive paint gauge which scans the car to prevent patching on the bodywork.
Finally, he uses a specialist clay which he rubs over the bodywork to remove any imperfections.
Mr Sahota, who works alone, started cleaning cars while he studied for a degree in accountancy at Birmingham University.
After graduating, he begged a local Aston Martin dealer to let him clean a DB9 for free.
The dealer, who reluctantly agreed, was so impressed with the results he passed on his details to clients and began using him on a regular basis.
He then established his own firm – Elite Detailing – and has opened a second workshop in Worcester.
He said: ”The work just started flying in. My reputation was great and word just spread.”
His parents Gurbinder, 55, and Amarjit, 53, were so impressed with their son’s work they converted their double garage into a hi-tech workshop for his business.
Since then he has washed hundreds of supercars including Lamborghinis, Ferraris and Porsches.
His proudest moment cleaning the world’s most expensive car – the McLaren F1 GTR worth up to £3 million.
He said: ”The McLaren F1 GTR is without doubt my favourite car. It is so exclusive you hardly see any of them on the roads.
”They are a very attractive car and every inch of them is perfect – they are a work of art.”
He does not disclose the identities of his celebrity clients identities but one of his customers is the lawyer Nick Freeman – known as Mr Loophole – who regularly sends his Aston Martin DBS Volante to him for a clean.
His other customers include Premiership footballers, rock stars, actors and stockbrokers.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lebih kenyang dengan karbohidrat

KARBOHIDRAT...menjauhkan diri daripada makanan yang membekalkan karbohidrat tidak membantu untuk mengawal berat badan.

RAMAI yang gemar menolak makanan berkarbohidrat apabila mahu melangsingkan badan.

Ada yang sanggup tidak menjamah nasi bertahun-tahun lamanya semata-mata beranggapan makanan berkarbohidrat tidak elok untuk tubuh terutama di kalangan mereka yang mahu mengurangkan berat badan.
Makanan berkarbohidrat adalah satu daripada sumber utama tenaga untuk tubuh. Makanan berkarbohidat dibahagikan kepada karbohidrat ringkas dan kompleks.

Sebelum bertindak untuk mengelak daripada menikmati karbohidrat, perlu difahami kelas karbohidrat yang sepatutnya. Hakikatnya, menikmati makanan yang padat dengan jenis karbohidrat yang betul antara rahsia untuk mendapatkan tubuh ramping dan kekal langsing.

Berdasarkan pelbagai kajian di universiti dan pusat penyelidikan terkemuka, karbohidrat dimaksudkan terdiri daripada kanji yang mempunyai ketahanan seperti biji-bijian, kekacang dan legum.

Kanji sedemikian membantu kita makan pada kadar yang kurang, membakar lebih kalori serta membuatkan tubuh lebih bertenaga, kurang tekanan dan kurang kolesterol.

Mereka yang berbadan ramping sekalipun mengambil karbohidrat setiap hari malah kajian mendapati, apabila karbohidrat merangkumi 64 peratus (361 gram) daripada jumlah pengambilan kalori setiap hari, ia banyak membantu tubuh untuk kekal langsing.

Kebanyakan diet rendah karbohidrat mengehadkan pengambilan karbohidrat kurang daripada 30 peratus jumlah kalori, malah ada kalanya hanya 30 gram karbohidrat setiap hari.

Kebanyakan makanan yang kaya dengan karbohidrat bertindak dengan mengekang selera makan. Ia lebih mengenyangkan berbanding protein atau lemak.

Karbohidrat berkenaan membuatkan tubuh rasa kenyang kerana ia dihadam secara perlahan berbanding jenis makanan lain, sekali gus mencetuskan rasa kenyang pada otak dan perut.

Kajian di Universiti Surrey, United Kingdom, mendapati pengambilan kanji yang mempunyai ketahanan lama dalam satu hidangan membuatkan peserta kajian itu mengambil 10 peratus lebih rendah kalori (anggaran 150 hingga 200 kalori untuk purata wanita) keesokan harinya kerana mereka rasa kurang lapar.

Gabungan karbohidrat yang tepat juga satu cara yang baik untuk mengawal gula dalam darah dan menjauhkan kencing manis.

Kajian di Pusat Pemakanan Manusia Beltsville di Amerika Syarikat mendapati peserta yang mengambil diet kaya dengan makanan tinggi kandungan kanji berkenaan berupaya untuk mengurangkan gula darah selepas makan dan tindak balas insulin sehingga 38 peratus.

Apapun, pengambilan karbohidrat perlu digabungkan untuk mengelakkan kenaikan mendadak gula dalam darah. Pilihan beras perang misalnya, lebih baik daripada beras putih dan pengambilannya sebaik-baiknya digabungkan dengan makanan lain seperti kekacang bagi menyeimbangi gula darah.

Karbohidrat dalam makanan berkanji tahan lama itu juga mempertingkatkan metabolisme dan pembakar lemak semula jadi tubuh yang lain. Ketika makanan terbabit bergerak ke arah sistem penghadaman, ia membebaskan asid lemak yang menggalakkan pembakaran lemak terutama di bahagian perut.

Asid lemak ini membantu untuk mengekalkan jisim otot yang turut meningkatkan metabolisme, membantu untuk mengurangkan berat lebih cepat.

Dalam satu kajian, apabila saintis memberikan sekumpulan tikus makanan yang kaya dengan kanji terbabit, ia didapati meningkatkan aktiviti enzim pembakaran lemak dan mengurangkan aktiviti enzim penyimpanan lemak.

Tip mengenai karbohidrat:
- Tubuh yang langsung tidak mendapat karbohidrat sebagai sebahagian daripada pemakanan seharian boleh menyebabkan mereka mengalami ketosis.

Ia adalah keadaan iaitu tubuh berada dalam mod kelaparan dan mula menghadam tisu otot, bukannya lemak. Paling minimum, sebanyak 100 gram karbohidrat disarankan oleh pakar untuk menghalang daripada berlakunya ketosis.

- Karbohidrat kompleks adalah sumber penting khasiat yang membekalkan tubuh dengan serat, potasium serta vitamin B, E dan C.

Karbohidrat kompleks ini lebih baik untuk tubuh kerana perlu dipecahkan terlebih dulu sebelum ditukar kepada glukos. Ini membolehkan pembebasan glukos dan insulin secara stabil.

Makanan berkarbohidrrat kompleks termasuk buah-buahan, sayuran dan bijian penuh.

- Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran adalah karbohidrat baik yang perlu dimakan setiap hari.

Sayuran tidak hanya menyihatkan malah kaya dengan antioksidan yang meningkatkan sistem ketahanan tubuh iaitu aspek penting untuk mengurangkan berat. Seeloknya, pilih sayuran terdiri daripada pelbagai warna.

- Bijian penuh yang juga karbohirat yang baik boleh didapati daripada makanan seperti oat, gandum penuh dan barli. Tambahkan bijian penuh dan kekacang dalam sajian seharian

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Durian Belanda dan penyakit kanser.

Durian Belanda atau Soursop, buah dari pohon Graviola adalah pembunuh semulajadi sel kanser yang ajaib dengan 10 ribu kali lebih kuat dari pada terapi kemo. Tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu?

Kerana salah satu perusahaan dunia telah menutup rahsia penemuan penyelidikan tentang khasiat buah ini sebaik mungkin, mereka ingin agar dana penyelidikan yang dikeluarkan sangat besar, selama bertahun-tahun, ditambah pula keuntungan yang melimpah dengan cara menjadikan pohon Graviola Sintetis sebagai bahan utama ubat rawatan kanser.

Pohonnya rendah, di Brazil dinamai ‘Graviola’, di Sepanyol ‘Guanabana’ bahasa Inggeris dipanggil ‘Soursop’. Di Indonesia, dikenali sebagai buah Sirsak manakala di Malaysia dipanggil sebagai Durian Belanda. Buahnya agak besar, kulitnya berduri lembut, isi buah berwarna putih, rasanya masam-masam manis, dimakan dengan cara membuka kulitnya atau dibuat jus.

Khasiat dari buah durian belanda ini memberikan kesan anti tumor / kanser yang sangat kuat, dan terbukti secara perubatan menyembuhkan segala jenis kanser. Selain menyembuhkan kanser, buah ini juga berfungsi sebagai anti bakteria, anti fungus , berkesan melawan berbagai jenis parasit dan cacing, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, kemurungan, stress, dan menormalkan kembali sistem saraf yang kurang baik.

Salah satu contoh betapa pentingnya kewujudan Institut Sains Kesihatan bagi orang-orang Amerika adalah kerana institut ini telah membuka tabir rahsia buah ajaib ini. Fakta yang membingungkankan adalah: Jauh dipedalaman hutan Amazon, tumbuh ‘pohon ajaib’, yang akan merubah cara berfikir anda, doktor anda, dan dunia mengenai proses penyembuhan kanser dan harapan untuk bertahan hidup.

Hasil penyelidikan membuktikan “pohon ajaib” dan buahnya ini :

i) Menyerang sel kanser secara efektif dan semulajadi, TANPA rasa mual, berat badan turun, rambut gugur, seperti yang terjadi pada terapi kemo.

ii) Melindungi sistem kekebalan tubuh dan mencegah dari jangkitan yang mematikan.

iii) Pesakit merasakan lebih kuat, lebih sihat selama proses perawatan / penyembuhan.

iv) Menambah tenaga dan penampilan fizikal semakin bertambah baik.

Sumber berita sangat mengejutkan ini berasal dari salah satu pengeluar farmasi terbesar di Amerika. Buah Graviola telah diuji lebih dari 20 makmal, sejak tahun 1970-an hingga beberapa tahun berikutnya. Hasil ujikaji dari ekstrak (sari) buah ini adalah :

1. Secara berkesan memilih sasaran dan membunuh sel jahat dari 12 jenis kanser yang berbeza, diantaranya kanser : Usus Besar, Payu Dara, Prostat, Paru-Paru dan Pankreas.

2. Daya kerjanya 10,000 kali lebih kuat dalam memperlambatkan pertumbuhan sel kanser dibandingkan dengan Adriamycin dan Terapi Kemo yang biasa digunakan!

3. Tidak seperti terapi kemo, ekstrak buah ini secara selektif hanya memburu dan membunuh sel-sel jahat dan TIDAK membahayakan atau membunuh sel-sel yang sihat.

Penyelidikan telah dilakukan secara ekstensif pada pohon “ajaib” ini,selama bertahun-tahun tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu langsung mengenai hal ini ? Jawabnya adalah : Begitu mudah kesihatan kita, kehidupan kita, dikendalikan oleh yang memiliki wang dan kekuasaan!

Salah satu perusahaan ubat terbesar di Amerika dengan aset jutaan dollar melakukan penyelidikan luar biasa pada pohon Graviola yang tumbuh dihutan Amazon ini. Ternyata beberapa bahagian dari pohon ini : kulit kayu, akar, daun, isi buah dan bijinya, selama berabad-abad lamanya telah menjadi penawar bagi suku Indian di Amerika Selatan untuk menyembuhkan : sakit jantung, asma, masalah berkaitan hati dan rematik. Dengan bukti-bukti ilmiah yang minimum, perusahaan yang mengumpulkan dana dan sumber usaha manusia yang sangat besar bagi tujuan melakukan penyelidikan dan berbagai ujian. Hasilnya sangat menakjubkan. Graviola secara ilmiah telah terbukti sebagai agen pembunuh sel kanser yang berkesan !

Tapi… kisah Graviola hampir berakhir disini. Kenapa?

Dibawah undang-undang persekutuan, sumber bahan semulajadi untuk ubat adalah DILARANG dipatentkan.

Perusahaan menghadapi masalah besar dan mereka berusaha sedaya upaya dengan pembiayaan sangat besar untuk membuat klon tiruan dari Graviola ini agar ianya dapat dipatentkan sehingga dana yang dikeluarkan untuk penyelidikan dan ujian dapat dituntut dan bahkan mengaup keuntungan besar. Tapi usaha ini tidak berhasil kerana Graviola tidak berjaya diklon. Perusahaan gigit jari setelah mengeluarkan dana jutaan dolar untuk usaha penyelidikan mereka.

Ketika mimpi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan besar beransur-ansur pudar, kegiatan penyelidikan juga turut berhenti. Lebih parah lagi, perusahaan menutup projek ini dan memutuskan untuk TIDAK menerbitkan hasil penyelidikan ini.

Beruntunglah, ada salah seorang ilmuwan dari kumpulan penyelidik tidak sanggup melihat kekejaman ini terjadi. Dengan mengorbankan kerjayanya, dia menghubungi sebuah perusahaan yang biasa mengumpulkan bahan-bahan bersumberkan semulajadi dari hutan Amazon untuk penghasilan penawar.

Ketika para pakar penyelidik dari Institut Sains Kesihatan mendengar berita keajaiban Graviola, mereka mulai lakukan usaha penyelidikan. Hasilnya sangat mengejutkan. Graviola terbukti sebagai pohon pembunuh sel kanser yang berkesan.

The National Cancer Institute mulakan penyelidikan ilmiah yang pertama pada tahun 1976. Hasilnya membuktikan bahawa daun dan batang kayu Graviola mampu menyerang dan menghancurkan sel-sel jahat kanser. Sayangnya hasil ini hanya untuk keperluan dalaman dan tidak dihebahkan.

Sejak 1976, Graviola telah terbukti sebagai pembunuh sel kanser yang luar biasa pada ujikaji yang dilakukan oleh 20 makmal bebas yang berbeza.

Satu kajian yang dihasilkan oleh the Journal of Natural Products menyatakan bahawa kajian yang dilakukan oleh Catholic University di Korea Selatan, mendakwa bahawa salah satu unsur kimia yang terkandung di dalam Graviola, mampu memilih, membezakan dan membunuh sel kanser usus besar dengan 10,000 kali lebih kuat berbanding dengan Adriamycin dan terapi kemo!

Sebuah kajian di Purdue University pula membuktikan bahwa daun Graviola mampu membunuh sel kanser secara berkesan, terutama sel kanser: Prostat, Pankreas, dan Paru-paru.

Setelah hampir 7 tahun tidak ada berita mengenai Graviola, akhirnya berita keajaiban ini pecah juga, melalui informasi dari Lembaga-lembaga seperti disebutkan terdahulu.

Kisah lengkap tentang Graviola, dimana memperolehnya, dan bagaimana cara memanfaatkannya, dapat dijumpai dalam Beyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killers, Safe as Mother’s milk, sebagai bonus istimewa percuma terbitan Health Sciences Institute. Sekarang anda tahu manfaat durian belanda yang luar biasa ini. Rasanya manis-manis masam begitu menyegarkan. Buah yang 100% semulajadi tanpa sebarang kesan sampingan.

How Does The Mechanism Of Rodent Tuber Overcome Cancer Cell (Keladi Tikus)

How does the mechanism of Rodent Tuber overcome cancer cell? ‘Rodent Tuber able to block the growth of cancer cells and tumors " said the Wahyu Suprapto, herbalist in Batu, East Java, and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga who prescribed Rodent Tuber. According to Lina Mardiana Rodent Tuber inhibits cancer cell growth while improving the stamina of the patient.

Dr. Iswantini Dyah, a researcher at the Center for Medicinal Studies of Bogor Agricultural University, proved Rodent Tuber as anticancer. Dyah studied the inhibition of water and ethanol in Rodent Tuber extracts of tyrosine kinase activity. Tyrosine kinase enzyme affects the development of cancer cells in the human body.

Growth inhibition of ethanol extract and concentrating hot water 700 ppm exceeds genistein-Growth inhibition of anticancer compounds, while Rodent Tuber extract with demineralization water inhibits the 76.10% of enzyme tyrosine; Growth inhibition of genistein just only 12.89%. ‘The existence of the inhibition showed potential of Rodent Tuber as anticancer,' said Dyah.

This Research is in line with research of from Peni Indrayudha the Faculty of Pharmacy Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. He proved sodium chloride of Rodent Tuber leaf extract containing Ribosome Inactivating Proteins (rips). Peni incubated plasmid DNA (pUC18) with a number of protein from leaf extract of Typhonium flagelliforme at room temperature for an hour.

Rodent Tuber leaf extract proven to cut the DNA chain of cancer cells so became a nick circular or pseudo circle as seen when under ultraviolet light. Rips is a protein with activity that can cut the chains of DNA or RNA cell. The impact, the formation of cell proteins also inhibited so cancer cells fail to grow.

In treatment, RIPs turn off the development of cancer cells by eroding the cancer cells without damaging surrounding tissue. RIPs also block cancer cell growth. Rodent Tuber extracts contains RIPs that able to cut the DNA chains of cancer cells.

Other research conducted by Choo Chee Yan from the School of Pharmacy University of Science Malaysia. Chee tested tuber and leaf extracts of Rodent Tuber against cytotoxic activity on P388 leukemia cells. The Result, Chloroform extract IC50 of the tuber reached 6.0? G / ml, hexane extract 15.0? G / ml. Chloroform and hexane are solvent that is used to obtain the active compounds in herbal preparations. Chloroform extract IC50 of the leaves reached 8.0? G / ml; hexane leaf extract IC50 65.0? G / ml.

IC50 (IC = inhibition concentration) is the concentration that could inhibit 50% of cancer cells. The smaller number IC50 increasingly good because it means that dose used increasingly becomes smaller. In the research, to inhibit 50% of cancer cells, only needed 6.0? G / ml of chloroform extract of Rodent Tuber.

‘Rodent Tuber contains Ribosome Inactivating Proteins (RIPs). Rips erodes cancer cells without damaging surrounding tissue, "said Peni Indrayudha. Other evidentiary conducted by Lai Choo Sheen from Drug Research Center University of Science Malaysia. He found an anticancer compound in Rodent Tuber named fitol. Fitol mechanism against cancer cells is by apoptosis. Cancer cells are too 'sacred' so never die. Well, fitol gives a sharp knife to the cancer cells. What happened then? The cancer cells to commit suicide. So the patient is cured.

Suggested Usage:

Stadium I – II, take 1 capsule 2 times daily before meal. Stadium III above, take 2 capsules 2 times daily before meal; or as directed by health care practitioner.

menulis thesis macam gasing la gasing

hai la alahai, gasing oh gasing. gasing memang berpusing apabila di baling. tapi manusia berpusing kena bersebab jugalah. adohai, saya tengah berpusing lah ni. berpusing sebab nak menghabiskan write up thesis nih... mencari bahan , tak lah susah sangat pun. yang tak lalu nya nih. nak menulis nya ni. kalau setakat menulis yang merapu dan semasa , boleh lah juga. ni menulis untuk akademik , kenalak di soal jawab nanti...adulahai. anyway ini lah cabaran nya. sesiapa yang melaui hal yang sama, mari lah berkongsi pengalaman...memang mencabar ..huhu..

Funny Pictures

Yang ni lak, siapa nak jawab....layan

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

feeling so tired

Had not been writing for quite sometime. I am busy with my research paper, finally its now toward the end of it. When the time comes, I will loosen up and do the crazy things that I have been thinking of doing, but putting it aside for a while. Haha…and today I have done things that I am supposed to do earlier haha

Apart from all this, i feel soo tired, couldnt feel my toes...
write up, write up, ...this got to end...