Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Does The Mechanism Of Rodent Tuber Overcome Cancer Cell (Keladi Tikus)

How does the mechanism of Rodent Tuber overcome cancer cell? ‘Rodent Tuber able to block the growth of cancer cells and tumors " said the Wahyu Suprapto, herbalist in Batu, East Java, and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga who prescribed Rodent Tuber. According to Lina Mardiana Rodent Tuber inhibits cancer cell growth while improving the stamina of the patient.

Dr. Iswantini Dyah, a researcher at the Center for Medicinal Studies of Bogor Agricultural University, proved Rodent Tuber as anticancer. Dyah studied the inhibition of water and ethanol in Rodent Tuber extracts of tyrosine kinase activity. Tyrosine kinase enzyme affects the development of cancer cells in the human body.

Growth inhibition of ethanol extract and concentrating hot water 700 ppm exceeds genistein-Growth inhibition of anticancer compounds, while Rodent Tuber extract with demineralization water inhibits the 76.10% of enzyme tyrosine; Growth inhibition of genistein just only 12.89%. ‘The existence of the inhibition showed potential of Rodent Tuber as anticancer,' said Dyah.

This Research is in line with research of from Peni Indrayudha the Faculty of Pharmacy Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. He proved sodium chloride of Rodent Tuber leaf extract containing Ribosome Inactivating Proteins (rips). Peni incubated plasmid DNA (pUC18) with a number of protein from leaf extract of Typhonium flagelliforme at room temperature for an hour.

Rodent Tuber leaf extract proven to cut the DNA chain of cancer cells so became a nick circular or pseudo circle as seen when under ultraviolet light. Rips is a protein with activity that can cut the chains of DNA or RNA cell. The impact, the formation of cell proteins also inhibited so cancer cells fail to grow.

In treatment, RIPs turn off the development of cancer cells by eroding the cancer cells without damaging surrounding tissue. RIPs also block cancer cell growth. Rodent Tuber extracts contains RIPs that able to cut the DNA chains of cancer cells.

Other research conducted by Choo Chee Yan from the School of Pharmacy University of Science Malaysia. Chee tested tuber and leaf extracts of Rodent Tuber against cytotoxic activity on P388 leukemia cells. The Result, Chloroform extract IC50 of the tuber reached 6.0? G / ml, hexane extract 15.0? G / ml. Chloroform and hexane are solvent that is used to obtain the active compounds in herbal preparations. Chloroform extract IC50 of the leaves reached 8.0? G / ml; hexane leaf extract IC50 65.0? G / ml.

IC50 (IC = inhibition concentration) is the concentration that could inhibit 50% of cancer cells. The smaller number IC50 increasingly good because it means that dose used increasingly becomes smaller. In the research, to inhibit 50% of cancer cells, only needed 6.0? G / ml of chloroform extract of Rodent Tuber.

‘Rodent Tuber contains Ribosome Inactivating Proteins (RIPs). Rips erodes cancer cells without damaging surrounding tissue, "said Peni Indrayudha. Other evidentiary conducted by Lai Choo Sheen from Drug Research Center University of Science Malaysia. He found an anticancer compound in Rodent Tuber named fitol. Fitol mechanism against cancer cells is by apoptosis. Cancer cells are too 'sacred' so never die. Well, fitol gives a sharp knife to the cancer cells. What happened then? The cancer cells to commit suicide. So the patient is cured.

Suggested Usage:

Stadium I – II, take 1 capsule 2 times daily before meal. Stadium III above, take 2 capsules 2 times daily before meal; or as directed by health care practitioner.


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